RubyWorld Conference 2022 Sponsorship Prospectus 2022-07-22 Close

Are you interested in partnering with RubyWorld Conference 2022 as a sponsor?
Please cooperate with us to make the best of this Conference and simply support the Ruby community.


Sponsorship Levels

Level Price
Ruby 500,000yen
Platinum 250,000yen
Gold 100,000yen
Silver 50,000yen

Ruby Sponsor

  1. Short presentation in the main conference room (limited to 3 sponsors, upon request) *1
  2. Logo placement on official flag
  3. Company name and logo on official website
  4. Company name and logo on official guide book
  5. 200-word company description placement on official guide book
  6. Logo on Digital signage at general reception desk
  7. Logo on back panel in the main conference room
  8. Logo on back panel in the sub conference room
  9. Booth produced by company in the sub conference room (upon request)
  10. Enclose company literature or small branded item inside the attendee bag which distributed to visitors (upon request)
  11. Placement of company literature or small branded item in the main conference room (upon request)
  12. Previous announcement about booth and short presentation on website
  13. Notification of short presentation in official guidebook
  14. Company description on the main stage screen during breaks
  15. 7 conference tickets

How to apply

(*1) Short presentation in the main conference room

  • It will be provided in order of arrival. When it exceeds the upper limit, we will arrange short presentation time in sub conference room instead of main conference room during breaks. (Same as Platinum Sponsor)
  • If you do not wish to visit / If you can not come due to circumstances such as COVID-19, we will also allow you to provide recorded videos.

Platinum Sponsor

  1. Short presentation in the sub conference room during breaks (limited 6 sponsors each day, upon request) *2
  2. Company name and logo on official website
  3. Company name and logo on official guide book
  4. Logo on Digital signage at general reception desk
  5. Logo on back panel in the main conference room
  6. Logo on back panel in the sub conference room
  7. Booth produced by company in the sub conference room (upon request)
  8. Enclose company literature or small branded item inside the attendee bag which distributed to visitors (upon request)
  9. Placement of company literature or small branded item in the main conference room (upon request)
  10. Previous announcement about booth and short presentation on website
  11. Notification of short presentation in official guidebook
  12. Company description on the main stage screen during breaks
  13. 4 conference tickets

How to apply

(*2) Short presentation in the sub conference room

  • 10minuts short presentation
    1. 11/10(Thu) lunch time(4slot), coffee break(2slot)
    2. 11/11(Fri) lunch time(4slot), coffee break(2slot)
  • If you do not wish to visit / If you can not come due to circumstances such as COVID-19, we will also allow you to provide recorded videos.

Gold Sponsor

  1. Company name and logo on official website
  2. Company name and logo on official guide book
  3. Logo on Digital signage at general reception desk
  4. Logo on back panel in the sub conference room
  5. Placement of company literature or small branded item in the main conference room (upon request)
  6. 2 conference tickets

How to apply

Silver Sponsor

  1. Company name and logo on official website
  2. Company name and logo on official guide book
  3. Logo on Digital signage at general reception desk
  4. Logo on back panel in the sub conference room
  5. Placement of company literature or small branded item in the main conference room (upon request)
  6. 1 conference ticket

How to apply

About change and cancellation of benefits when it is held online due to COVID-19

a. Changed to distribution of recorded video
b. d. e. i. j. k. m. o. Cancelled
c. n. No change
l. Only announcement about short presentation
f. g. h. Changed to distribution screen footer space

How to apply(Registration has been closed. )

If you are interested in supporting this conference, please apply from the Google form below by August 31(Wed).

RWC2022 Google Form

If you have difficulty submitting from Google Forms

Please download the Sponsorship Application Form. Please fill in and send it (PDF format or Word format) via e-mail by 31th August. (No company seal required)


Could you please:
All sponsors
  • Send your company logo data in a vector graphics format to place on official website and guide book (If it would be inconvenient for you, please send a high-quality image resolution)
  • Let us know if there are any rules or precautions in the use of the company logo.
Ruby sponsor
  • Could you please send your company profile in both English and Japanese to place on official guide book and digital screen in the main conference room
Platinum sponsor
  • Could you please send your company profile to project onto a digital screen in the main conference room.

Deadline for Entry/Logo/Profile/Payment

Item Deadline
Sponsorship Application Form Wednesday, 31th August 2022
Company Logo Wednesday, 31th August 2022
Company Profile (Ruby and Platinum) Wednesday, 31th August 2022
Payment Friday, 30th September 2022